Day 144 – February 21st – Belated Beethoven

Last night we headed up to London to see the London Philharmonic Orchestra play an all-Beethoven program under the direction of Marin Alsop. It was a wonderful concert, but trains were delayed getting both there and back, and I didn’t make it back to Elmsted until 1am.

More on the concert later today…for now I really need to practise!

Day 88 – December 27th – Thank goodness for friends

Another short one as I’m well and truly ready for bed, but suffice to say that today didn’t quite go as planned. Up at 7:30am, I went for another lovely run with my uncle, and then we had a relatively quiet morning taking stock after Christmas and farewelling Grandma who was heading back home. The Johnson grandparents rang to say that Kings Cross station was closed, but a quick check online showed that I could still get to Finsbury Park, and then use the underground to make my connection.

Though there was no hint of it in Barton (where my uncle lives), there had been snow in the north. Into Doncaster and then much of the way down to Cambridgeshire, my view out the window was of dusted fields and sparkling villages. English Christmas perfection.

Then we stopped at Peterborough, and it seemed like there were no more trains going further south – there was just too much congestion around London. All of a sudden there was total chaos, and no clue as to what was actually going on. After boarding and then getting off two trains that were cancelled, I decided to phone a friend, and the Dunks were kind enough to come to my rescue and picked me up from Huntingdon. A glass of wine and an evening of post-Christmas downtime, I was relieved not to be spending my night on an unknown station far from anywhere, and incredibly grateful they could come to my aid at a moment’s notice. Thank goodness for friends!